5 Simple Strategies to Feel Better Throughout Your Morning Commute

Have you ever overslept, rushed to catch a bus or train only to miss it, spilled coffee on your white work clothes, or forgotten the packed lunch you spent the whole previous evening preparing? Me too. In fact, I experience these annoyances so frequently that I occasionally think I must be cursed. And you can definitely find me arriving at work cranky as hell even when the simplest thing goes wrong in the morning (a mood that is not easy to get out of).

1. Avoid using social media

While commuters who drive to work find it simple, individuals who take public transportation frequently may find it one of the hardest habits to overcome. If you look around on public transport, you will most likely see masses of people with their eyes in their hands fixated on their phones. Some might be doing something productive, but most are probably endlessly scrolling their social media feeds.

2. Make constructive goals
This tip is crucial for you if you wake up thinking, “I have way too much to do today,” or “I really don’t want to get out of bed.” While establishing objectives is beneficial for increasing productivity, combining goals with intents is even better. You’ll feel more motivated for the upcoming workday if you make it a practice to set daily intentions based on what will benefit you the most on that particular day. To establish the tone for the rest of the day, it’s crucial to speak positively.

3. Listen to a podcast or your favorite playlist
Nothing gets me motivated like a really good playlist or a super motivational podcast. Whether it’s your own perfectly curated playlist of songs or Spotify’s Morning Motivation mix, it has been proven that music boosts your mood which consequently bumps your productivity.

4. Smile at someone
It’s crazy how something as simple as a smile can be SO powerful. Like when a stranger randomly smiles at you (in a genuine not creepy way) you immediately feel happier and forget why you were in a bad mood. So when you partake in the physical act of smiling, it not only helps brighten others days, but it has also been proven to make you happy too. When your smile muscles contract they stimulate your brain’s reward system, in turn releasing endorphins and making you feel instantly happier.

5. Get physical
Fitting in some physical activity throughout your daily commute might be great for individuals who are short on time because it is recognized to have many advantages. Even though it might not be feasible to ride a bike or walk the full distance to work, even something as basic as getting off a stop earlier on public transportation and walking from there can be very helpful.

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